
Decisions, Decisions...

It's me and it's the Monday after another great weekend. The time I've spent over the past three weeks has made a big difference for me. I met someone, and he is great. For the purposes of this blog, let's call him N. As with many other guys I've met, he came to me when I wasn't expecting anyone. Now, unlike any other guy I've met, the energy feels very right to me, people. It's almost frightening to think about in any depth.

I enjoyed our time together, as did he...

I am getting ready for the school year, revisiting lots of paperwork and my own philosophies about how I want my classroom to be this year. I have a list of things to get for my classroom this year. It's nowhere near as large as my lists from the past. I can see that I'll have a good year this year. There are, as always, changes to the curriculum and school policies. But somehow I feel like those changes aren't anything I can't handle. I feel more grounded than the past two years. Going into this new school year, I have high hopes and dreams for my class to come.

This fall I also plan to finish filing for my permanent certification in New York City. However, I know now that New York City is not the only place where my heart lies. It is finally time for me to move on from living in New York. I have to admit (and if you're reading this blog, you know, too) this realization is something that I came to a long time ago. I should know by now that my life thrives in change. It really is the only constant in my life.

But, I've been thinking about it, and I long for other constants in my life. The other parts of my life that lay dormant until now need attention. Instincts that I didn't realize I had inside me are awakened now, and demanding that I fulfill them. And, I might just be headed in the right direction with regard to this as well.

So, as I've mentioned before, I want my time in New York to be limited to a couple of years at the most. That's just enough time to get my own act together. . .I want to be ready professionally, emotionally and financially for the next stages of my life. . .

I just love how change can happen in your life, as uncomfortable as it can be. Only this time, the changes just reassure me that I'm heading in the right direction.

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